Hello everyone, I am Dave and I am currently a radiologic technology student. I have always been fascinated with the inner workings of the human body. I have also always wanted to enter the medical field. At first I was a nursing major, but I recently switched to be a rad. tech. I would love to eventually work as an MRI technologist. There are some risk factors associated with this job. The number one risk is radiation exposure and a higher risk of cancer as a result. My webliography Is be based on this fact, in regards to the  current research being done, and the standard safety measures in place to protect technologists.

Radiologic technologists are being slowly poisoned by the same devices they use to help diagnose and save their patients. Small levels of radiation will not bring on acute sickness, but will cause prolonged damage with continuous exposure. There are many safeguards in place to protect technologists in an effort to minimize exposure, but complete protection is impossible. Studies are ongoing to better understand the long term effects of radiation on technologists in a medical setting.

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